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Weeds are a gardener's thorn. Hard as we try, they continue to sprout and flourish. Did you know that many weed seeds hitch a ride on your favorite pet to spread throughout your yard? Many weeds produce seeds that stick in your pet's coat. To deter the hitchhiking, get rid of the weeds before your pets roam. Or keep them groomed so weeds can't catch a ride.


When looking for a centerpiece for your garden party, instead of using flowers try a flowering plant. You can use one plant or a variety of containers to add interest and complement your theme. Whatever you choose, stay within a foot in height so your guests can see each other.



Deciduous plants lose their leaves at the end of their growing season and renew them at the beginning of the next. Semideciduous only lose some of their leaves, and evergreen plants stay ever green. When creating a private or screened garden area, plan accordingly. Many deciduous trees and shrubs such as eucalyptus or birch offer contrast in the winter through the beautiful color in their bark and stems. Paired with yews, holly, or pyrancatha you will have color and interest all year round.


Love water gardens but hate the upkeep? Make it a container garden. Purchase a decorative sealed container, add water and a plant or two and you have a great container water garden. You can even add a small pump for the soothing sound of a waterfall. For more detailed information, visit The Water Garden. They sell everything you'd ever need for a water garden and provide a free email newsletter for your enjoyment.



Mosquitoes love to bug us in the summer and we've all heard about the dangers of West Nile Virus. But did you know our beloved pets are at risk as well? According to Drs. Foster & Smith, the nation's first documented case of a dog's death attributed to West Nile Virus was confirmed at the University of Illinois in 2002. So how do we protect our four-footed kids? Obviously, try to keep them indoors at dawn and dusk. Flea and tick products also contain pyrethrins that keep the pests at bay. So, as you protect yourself before going out do the same for your pets. They'll love you for it.


Want information about plants that grow in your area, but not exactly sure where to turn? Look to your local extension service. They provide all sorts of resources to answer your questions and some may even provide classes to become a Master Gardener.

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Thanks to Andrew Stenning who contributed the photograph for our masthead