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Plant Tips 

Bypass pruners are ideal for pruning new growth or green wood. An avil pruner has a flat blade surface, but a bypass pruner has a hook to cradle and hold the branch while the blade slices through it. Bypass pruners are a great tool for cutting back rose bushes and canes.

Want to invite birds to your garden? install a mister or small fountain to provide a bathing area for visiting birds. The sound of dripping water catches birds' attention and welcomes them to splash. Birds will avoid deep, steep-sided pools and water depths of 2-3 inches are fine for most. Wondering about a mister? Hummingbirds love the fine spray. Be sure to clean and refill your birdbath frequently in hot weather.

Plant Tips 


Many plants are "self-sowers"meaning they make new plants each year without any effort from the gardener. Examples include


Want a great gift for someone? Gather seeds from the plants in your garden and place them in a homemade craftpaper envelope. Apply a decorative self-adhesive label with the plant name and date. Punch two holes for a bow and present the seed packets tied to a bouquet of the same flowers or, if veggies, to a basket of vegetables fresh from your garden.

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Thanks to Andrew Stenning who contributed the photograph for our masthead